


(Albrighton, Boningale, Donington-with-Boscobel and Tong)


Firstly CONGRATULATIONS to all who have worked hard to oppose the Jessup Development as the Planning Inspector has now dismissed Jessup’s Appeal. We did not oppose a development East of Shaw Lane but we did oppose some features of this particular development such as the traffic access into Shaw Lane, the size of the enormous Care Apartment Building and overdevelopment, lack of parking, effect on the Surgery and the connecting of drainage into the existing Shaw Lane sewer which could exacerbate flooding.
A lot of effort was put in by many residents and the Albrighton Development Action Group, the Civic Society, Albrighton Flood Action Group and the Parish Council – it is good to see what can be achieved when we all work together. A full copy of the Appeal Decision after the Hearing on 18th September is in the Council office or with members of the above groups. Below are extracts from the Inspector’s Report:-

“The main issues are:
a)the effect of the proposal on highway safety; and,
b)the effect of the proposal on the character and appearance of the surrounding area and the setting of a nearby listed building.

a) Moreover, regardless of its legality, the evidence indicates that vehicles do drive and park along the footway in response to highway conditions along this section of Shaw Lane. Furthermore, the movements of children, which can include the use of bicycles and scooters, can be difficult to manage. Local representations also indicate that some children are dropped off by vehicle, that safety concerns have been raised by the school bus provider, and arrivals at the school begin from 0800 owing to a breakfast club. Overall, the evidence indicates that existing conditions present safety risks to highway users

....visibility splays are proposed, vehicles would still have to pull close to the junction to achieve visibility and into an area that would have an increased and high concentration of vehicular and pedestrian activity. In this light, as the risk to highway safety does not relate to vehicular speeds, the proposed raised table would not fully mitigate the risk of conflict.

Although concerns were raised by the Highway Authority (Shropshire Council) during the application process, it did not object to the proposal.

....Drawing the above together, the increased vehicular activity associated with the development at the site access junction with Shaw Lane would unacceptably increase the risk of conflict and confusion between highway users, to the detriment of highway safety.

b) Care



...owing to the predominant height and mass of properties that surround the appeal site, the local area has a domestic scale and relatively spacious character. This is a locally positive characteristic that is appreciable along Shaw Lane, Station Road, and the access to the Railway Station. The design and materials utilised in the Railway Station Building and footbridge and their early association with the wider railway network is of architectural and historic significance. Owing to the comparatively open nature of the appeal site, it makes a neutral contribution that preserves the significance of the heritage asset.
Although set away from development along Shaw Lane, the overall scale and mass of the apartment building would be an incongruous sight when seen from the access to the Railway Station, Station Road and its junction with Shaw Lane. Despite the materials, stepped height and articulated design proposed, from the noted vantage points the apartment building would be a dominant feature that would exceed the site boundaries. The bulk, scale and visual presence of the apartments would materially harm the domestic scale and relatively spacious character of the area. Furthermore the proposal would not represent good design, nor would it be sympathetic to local character or add to the overall quality of the area as sought by the Framework. ..... the proximity, height and mass of the apartments [building] in contrast to the modest scale of the Railway Station and footbridge would materially harm their significance.

 Concerns have been raised regarding a number of other matters, including flooding. However, as I am dismissing the appeal on the above cited grounds it is not necessary that I consider the other matters raised in my decision.

So we can see that the Inspector has dismissed the Appeal after looking at two of the five issues we raised.

Flooding at Newport Road Bridge (near Albrighton Garden Centre)   You will have seen that Shropshire Council has carried out the work to resolve the flooding under the rail bridge and we all hope it will now stay flood free for a long time. It seems that roots got into the pipes which take water from the gullies.

West Midland Trains have provided questionnaires and want to have residents’ views about all matters concerned with the Station and access to it. We thank all the volunteers from the Civic Society, Alb Development Action Group and the four Parish Councils who have delivered them to as many letterboxes as possible. Collection boxes for your replies are in the Library and Cafe 1232 on the High St (thanks to the Cafe for helping) and the deadline for replies is 29th November which will be just after the issue of this magazine so please fill in the questionnaire if possible. WMT will then analyse the results and a workshop with representatives of the various comminute groups and council is expected to be held in late January.
As we all know there are difficulties with parking in the vicinity of the Station and so any comments re parking or any other matters may be added in the box on the last page.
More copies of the questionnaire are in the Library
or you can complete it online at

For more information please see   www     or contact:
Peter Woodman – Chairman (T: 372225) 31/32 High St  or Rod Smith - Secretary (T: 372765)